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【Melaleuca Honey】

Melaleuca honey produced from the nectar of the melaleuca tree. The melaleuca tree is indigenous to Australia. Commonly known as “tea tree,” Melaleuca ericifolia, M. quinquenervia, M. Leucadendron and M. rhaphiophylla were first named by Captain James Cook in 1770 when he was charting the eastern coastline of Australia. His cook would dip the flowers of these trees into his cup of tea hence “tea tree.” Since then, these wetland trees are sort after by beekeepers Australia-wide as they produce honey that is from light to dark orange in colour and has strong caramel flavours with hints of cherry. When in full flower these plants will drip nectar making them an excellent source for the bees.

The health benefits are strong antiseptic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties particularly effective for healing, improving stomach ulcers, sore throats, colds, indigestion, acne, etc. Melaleuca honey is effective against a variety of nasty bacteria.


【Eucalyptus Honey】

The nectar source of Eucalyptus Honey comes from the eucalyptus trees, whose flower name is "a gift from God". Eucalyptus honey is distinct from other honeys due to its intense flavour and aroma. Butterscotch and menthol with smooth woody aftertaste.

Eucalyptus honey has a strong antiseptic effect, good for fighting colds, flu and respiratory illnesses. It also has been found to prevent urinary issues such as cystitis and kidney stones. Eucalyptus honey is rich in Vitamin C and vitamin B9 which is known to boost the immune system. It has been confirmed to have a strong inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria. Therefore, when treating a wound, apply Eucalyptus Honey to the affected area, which can reduce exudation, promote wound healing and prevent infection. It has been shown to improve sleep.


【Sunrise Gold or Sunflower Honey】

Sunflower honey, is produced by bees collecting sunflower nectar. Raw sunflower honey is considered as one of nature’s true superfoods beneficial to the bees themselves as well as to humans. It plays an important antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial role.

When it is not crystallized, the texture is thick, in light amber or golden yellow colour. It has the unique natural aroma of sunflowers, the taste is moderately sweet, the aftertaste is slightly sour, easy to crystallise especially in a low temperature environment, and the crystallization is finegrained
or oily, light yellow.

The main component of sunflower honey is glucose which is beneficial for instant energy. Sunflower honey is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and is therefore ideal for heart health.

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【Bouquet Honey】

The source of our Bouquet Honey is from natural, organic bee pastures. The taste is like smelling a bouquet of fragrant flowers. The flavour is subtle and sweet. It is perfect for children with the benefits of boosting their immune systems. It’s the only food that contains the antioxidant pinocembrin, which has been linked to improved brain function. Studies are beginning to show
benefits for people with Alzheimer’s. For adults the benefits are antioxidants, that help to regulate blood pressure. Great for heart health and reduces cholesterol.

Bees will collect nectars from various flowers, which will bring out a more colourful honey, especially popular with children and adults alike.


【Manuka Honey】

Manuka Honey is a monofloral honey produced from the nectar of the manuka tree, Leptospermum in Latin. The manuka tree is indigenous to New Zealand and some parts of Australia. The aborigines of New Zealand have been using it as a traditional medical material, including suppressing pain,
antipyretic, disinfection and treating colds. The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) has antibacterial efficacy and is particularly effective for healing, improving stomach ulcers, sore throats, colds, indigestion, acne, etc. Manuka Honey is effective against a variety of nasty bacteria.